

A curated list of awesome, free machine learning and artificial intelligence courses with video lectures. All courses are available as high-quality video lectures by some of the best AI researchers and teachers on this planet.

Besides the video lectures, I linked course websites with lecture notes, additional readings and assignments.



异常检测是一种用于识别不符合预期行为的异常模式的技术,称为异常值。 通常,这被视为一个无监督学习问题,其中异常样本是先验未知的,并且假设训练数据集的大部分由“正常”数据组成(这里和其他地方的术语“正常”表示不异常并且是 与高斯分布无关)。 [Lukas Ruff et al., 2018; Deep One-Class Classification]