A curated list of awesome OpenGL libraries, debuggers and resources.
A curated list of awesome Vulkan libraries, debuggers and resources. Inspired by awesome-opengl and other awesome-... stuff.
What This Is, and Where It Comes From
Since 2013-ish, Joe Goldberg, who created the original document inspiring this list, read a crap-ton of books and articles about "leadership" and "management" and took notes along the way.
【PowerShell】很棒的 PowerShell
PowerShell 是一种跨平台(Windows、Linux 和 macOS)自动化和配置工具,针对处理结构化数据(例如 JSON、CSV、XML 等)、REST API 和对象模型进行了优化。 它包括一个命令行 shell 和一个相关的脚本语言。
【Android 】很棒的 Android 完整参考
About Awesome Android Complete Reference
A curated list of Android Complete References at one place. A complete reference for android developers. Here you can find references about everything you use while Android Development.
电子工程 (EE) 是理解、设计和构建电子电路的实践。 它通常与电气工程不同,因为它主要处理低功率直流电子电路而不是高功率交流系统,但电子工程和电气工程之间有很多重叠。
此列表适用于网站、服务、软件、工具等:您认为在电子工程领域中很棒的一切。 如果您有任何要添加的内容,请按照contributing.md 中的说明进行操作。
Table of Contents
Use the "Table on Contents" menu on the top-left corner to explore the list.
【Neovim】很棒的 Neovim
Neovim is a Vim-based text editor engineered for extensibility and usability, to encourage new applications and contributions.
【FastAPI】很棒的 FastAPI
FastAPI is a modern, high-performance, batteries-included Python web framework that's perfect for building RESTful APIs.