这是关于机器人技术的各种书籍、课程和其他资源的列表。 这是一种尝试将有用的材料收集在一个地方,供所有想要了解该领域的人使用。
Pipeline frameworks & libraries
- ActionChain - A workflow system for simple linear success/failure workflows.
- Adage - Small package to describe workflows that are not completely known at definition time.
- AiiDA - workflow manager with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
A curated list of command line apps.
Inspired by the awesome list thing.
A set of guidelines for a specific programming language that recommend programming style, practices, and methods for each aspect of a program written in that language.
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- 阅读更多 关于 【指南】很棒的指南
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给 Android 开发者的 RxJava 详解 -强烈推荐 扔物线的文章 讲解非常详细
NotRxJava懒人专用指南 -这篇入门极力推荐,手把手,深入浅出教你实现一个简易的RxJava库,更好的理解RxJava的实现思路
Collection of awesome things regarding WebAssembly (wasm) ecosystem.
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与 IPTV 相关的精选资源列表
A curated list of resources related to IPTV.
【iOS】很棒的 ios 动画
A curated list of awesome iOS animation, including Objective-C and Swift libraries