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A collection of the best learning materials in the form of video tutorials, articles, blogs and repos for and by the Flutter community.
General - Blogs, Papers, How To's
Table of Contents
【CPU 和 MCU】很棒的 CPU 和 MCU 文档
【Lambda 】λ AWSsome Lambda 层
What are Lambda Layers?
Lambda Layers are a new type of artifact that can contain arbitrary code and data, and may be referenced by zero, one, or more functions at the same time. Lambda functions in a serverless application typically share common dependencies such as SDKs, frameworks, and now runtimes. With layers, you can centrally manage common components across multiple functions enabling better code reuse.
【Jupyter 实验室】很棒的 Jupyter 实验室
- Spellchecker - Spellchecker for markdown cells
- LaTeX - An extension for JupyterLab which allows for live-editing of LaTeX documents.
- DrawIO - An extension to draw diagrams in JupyterLab.
- Collapsable Headings - Allows to collapse an entire group
【OCaml】很棒的 OCaml
A curated list of references to awesome OCaml tools, frameworks, libraries and articles. Additionally there is a collection of freely available books, papers and presentations.
Chrome v8
- v8 github mirror(docs within)[github]
- on-stack replacement in v8[article] // multiple articles can be found within
- A tour of V8: Garbage Collection[article]
- A tour of
Random Forest - a curated list of resources regarding tree-based methods and more, including but not limited to random forest, bagging and boosting.
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The project is not actively maintained.