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A curated list of awesome SAR software, libraries, and resources.

Inspired by awesome-python.


Software capable of multiple processing steps

InSAR Processing Software

Software and libraries for interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR)

  • GMTSAR - InSAR processing system combined with GMT.
  • ISCE2 - InSAR Scientific Computing Environment.
  • Doris - Delft object-oriented radar interferomtric software.
  • Gamma ($$) - Gamma Remote Sensing SAR and Interferometry Software.

PolSAR Processing Software

Software and libraries for polarimetric and polarimetric interferometric SAR (PolSAR / PolInSAR)

  • PolSARPro - The ESA Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Tool
  • RAT - RAT Radar Tools (discontinued)

Time Series Analysis Software

Software and libraries for multitemporal/time series InSAR analysis

  • GIAnT - Generic InSAR Analysis Toolbox.
  • MintPy - Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon.
  • PyRate - A Python tool for Rate and Time-series Estimation
  • SARPROZ - The SAR PROcessing tool by periZ
  • StaMPS/MTI - Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers - git-version
  • KFTS - A Kalman filter based, sequential time series analysis tool.
  • MPITS - Multi-pixel, full covariance time series analysis tool.

Tropospheric Noise Correction Software

Software and libraries for performing tropospheric noise corrections

Geospatial Tools

Libraries useful for geospatial and post-processing analysis of SAR data

  • ASF Map Ready - MapReady Remote Sensing Tool Kit
  • GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
  • GMT - Generic Mapping Tools
  • QGIS
  • GRASS - Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
  • GEE Code Editor - Web-based IDE for geospatial processing and analysis.

Radar Related GitHub Repos

Collect and classify open projects on GitHub related to SAR

Data discovery and download

  • SSARA - Seamless SAR Archive project repository
  • ArchiveTools - Scripts for downloading and searching data
  • SentinelSat - Search and download Sentinel images from the command line or with the Python API.
  • EODAG - Command line tool and plugin-oriented Python framework for search and download from multiple providers.

Software and Utilities

  • ARIA-tools - Tools to manipulate (download, cropping, stitching, time-series preparation) ARIA products
  • PyRAT - General purpose SAR postprocessing framework
  • kite - Quadtree subsampling, data covariance analysis for surface displacement modelling. APS removal (empirical and GACOS). Download data from various data centers.
  • adore-doris
  • ISCE_utils
  • s1tbx - part of SNAP
  • PySAR
  • sarpy - Python library for simple processing of complex SAR data using the NGA SICD standard
  • ROI_PAC-Sentinel1
  • insar_scripts
  • RapidSAR
  • gmtsar2stamps - Using GMTSAR as InSAR pre-processor for StaMPS
  • INSAR_G2S - Using GMTSAR as InSAR pre-processor for StaMPS (Single Master and Small Baseline)
  • pygmtsar - Python scripts for GMTSAR processing
  • snap2stamps - Using SNAP as InSAR pre-processor for StaMPS
  • ISCE stack2stamps - Using ISCE (src/contrib/timeseries/stack2stamps) as InSAR pre-processor for StaMPS
  • GIPhT - General Inversion of Phase Technique
  • RaySAR - 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Simulator
  • EOReader - Opensource python library reading optical and SAR sensors, loading and stacking bands in a sensor-agnostic way.

InSAR Modelling

  • pyrocko - Offers tools for surface displacement modelling from various finite and extended earthquake dislocation sources.
  • grond - Modern probabalistic surface displacement inversion (works with kite).

System configuration and installation

  • insar_instal - Set of scripts that automatically install InSAR softwares
  • isce_notes - Installation notes of ISCE software
  • oldLinuxSetup - Setup python environment using anaconda on old linux machines
  • ElCaptanSetup - Instructions for setting up an OS X El Capitan machine from scratch

Relevant Image processing libraries


Where to discover new SAR libraries and resources.

Data Archives

  • ASF - Alaska Satellite Facility
  • ARIA-products - Standard products of the Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project for Natural Hazards
  • DLR Geohazards Supersites - TerraSAR-X Geohazard Supersites EO Data Gateway
  • ESA Virtual Archive 4 - Geohazard Supersites and Natural Laboratories Virtual Archive
  • SciHub - Sentinel Scientific Data Hub
  • UNAVCO/WInSAR - WInSAR consortium and GeoEarthScope Data



Training, Tutorials, Classes & Other Online Educational Material

Custom Processing Services

Processing Recipes for Automatic Product Generation


For more software refer to the

