【forecasting 】开源预测库和工具
- PyAF is an Open Source Python library for Automatic Time Series Forecasting built on top of popular pydata modules.
- PyAF is an Open Source Python library for Automatic Forecasting built on top of popular data science python modules: NumPy, SciPy, Pandas and scikit-learn.
- PyAF works as an automated process for predicting future values of a signal using a machine learning approach.
【Angular】如何使用Angular Scully和Prisma构建JamStack应用程序
By using Angular Scully and Prisma we have a powerful ecosystem where we can leverage full type safety and easily connect to a database that contains data that will be injected into the components by Scully. After the Scully process, we can upload our app to a CDN and have a fully working SEO-friendly Angular app.
What is Prisma?
Prisma is an open-source ORM, it consists of three parts:
JavaScript graphics technologies market share
These are the top JavaScript graphics technologies based on market share in 2023.
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These are the top Web frameworks technologies based on market share in 2023.
JavaScript frameworks technologies market share
These are the top JavaScript frameworks technologies based on market share in 2023.
Static site generator technologies market share
These are the top Static site generator technologies based on market share in 2023.
Redwood和Blitz是两个即将出现的全栈元框架,它们提供了创建SPAs、服务器端渲染页面和静态生成内容的工具,并提供了生成端到端支架的CLI。我一直在等待一个有价值的Rails JavaScript替代品,谁知道什么时候。这篇文章是对两者的概述,虽然我对Redwood给予了更多的广度(因为它与Rails有很大的不同),但我个人更喜欢Blitz。
如果你在2010年代开始从事网络开发工作,你可能甚至没有听说过Ruby on Rails,尽管它为我们提供了Twitter、GitHub、Urban Dictionary、Airbnb和Shopify等应用程序。与当时的web框架相比,使用它简直轻而易举。Rails打破了web技术的模式,成为一个高度固执己见的MVC工具,强调使用众所周知的模式,如约定而非配置和DRY,并添加了一个强大的CLI,创建了从模型到要渲染的模板的端到端支架。许多其他框架都建立在它的思想之上,比如用于Python的Django、用于PHP的Laravel或用于Node.js的Sails。因此,可以说,它是一种与LAMP堆栈一样有影响力的技术。
NextJS and RedwoodJS are both popular JavaScript-based web development frameworks. It’s natural for developers to want to use the best tools, frameworks, or libraries for their projects.
- https://remix.run/
- 专注于网络标准和现代网络应用程序用户体验,您只需构建更好的网站
- Remix是一个全栈的web框架,它可以让你专注于用户界面,并通过web标准来提供快速、流畅和有弹性的用户体验。人们会喜欢使用你的东西。
- 建立更好的网站。利用网络基础知识创造现代、有弹性的用户体验。
- https://github.com/redwoodjs/redwood
- 初创企业应用程序框架