This page contains a curated list of awesome Caffe examples, tutorials and blogs. It is inspired by awesome-php and awesome-machine-learning.
If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request
Feedback and contributions are welcome!
【Magento 2】真棒Magento 2
A curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions & Resources
为 3D 艺术家、爱好者、开发人员和研究人员提供了一系列很棒的 Blender 插件、工具、教程和资源。 主要关注开源和免费资源。
【AWS】AWS Amplify 资源的精选列表
A curated list of research papers, datasets, tools, conferences, workshops related to AI for fashion and e-commerce.
微软人工智能教育与学习共建社区(Microsoft AI Education Community, 简称AI-Edu)是微软亚洲研究院(Microsoft Research Asia,简称MSRA)人工智能教育团队创立的人工智能开源社区。
【AMAS】令人敬畏和奇妙的amas(Ask Me Anything)
AMA → Ask Me Anything
A curated list of awesome SAR software, libraries, and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
Awesome speakers in the programming and design communities
Let's make it more transparent and easy to find awesome speakers for meetups and conferences! This list of speakers, their contact details and the topics they talk about is a start towards this goal.
Please add to the list and help make the community better connected and richer.